Gregory Trent caught the business bug from his parents at a very young age. After all, he grew up around Greg and Maria Trent’s Beyer & Brown business. “It’s been a part of my life for as long as I’ve been around, from the time I was in diapers until about eight years old.”
Gregory Trent, speaker at 2024 Amusement Expo International in Las Vegas - the largest conference and trade show sponsored by the leading professional associations in the amusement entertainment industry. Gregory discussed ways to better engage customers and connecting with the Next Generation
Young Gregory Trent, along with his father, invited to speak to amusement industry peers in Texas as part of the AMOA's 2023 On The Road Education Program. A special thanks to Valley Dynamo for the factory tour of their American made gameroom products!
We have the honor of occasionally hosting the monthly Hispanic Chamber meetings at Back Alley Lanes! It's a joy for us to rub shoulders with incredible individuals and friends in our community! Write the next date on your calendar and us and join in on the fun!
Truist Christmas Party! This is just one of the many holiday parties! We love to be involved in our local community! Creating an environment for local friends, family and companies can enjoy themselves is a passion of ours! We love to help local businesses focus on team building and simply having fun with their teams! It's really important!
Maria Martinez Trent is the co owner of Pool Tables Plus/Beyer & Brown, providing game room products that help people connect at home and in entertainment establishments.
Maria has volunteered with several nonprofits and is most known for her passionate and positive impact in her community. She remains committed to giving back to her home country of Puerto Rico by organizing humanitarian drives when the need arises.
Maria currently serves on the following boards: True Health Community Center, Neighbor to Family Sibling Foster Care advisory board, Billiard Congress of America, and Hispanic Chamber Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida.
Excited to have a new local vendor Ben E. Keith Foods! They are an amazing Texas Company that is expanding into Florida! At BackAlley Lanes we search high and low for the best quality, we are so excited to be working with Ben E. Keith Foods!
Thank you Jan McGee & Kim Short for inviting Gregory to speak to Burns Science And Technology Charter School! He spoke on his young journey of #entrepreneurship, his life lessons, challenges & successes. There were 2 sessions of Q & A and I was thoroughly impressed with the students’ questions. Being a founder of ESports Arcade right before covid plus now taking over Back Alley Lanes VRcade has being a real life project management experience the he says has helped him to grow not only as a businessman but also as a person.
Featured in the Daytona News Journal and making positive big waves in the community! Growing up in a Family Owned and Operated business by his wonderful parents, Gregory Trent is a brilliant entrepreneur.
We are super ecxited to announce Greg Trent has been selected as the President of AMOA. Amusement and Music Operators Association, or AMOA, was originally known simply as MOA -- The Music Operators of America.
It was born January 21, 1948, when 68 jukebox owners from around the country banded together to fight the repeal of the jukebox royalty exemption.
Harnessing the collective strength, energy, knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit of a growing number of volunteer members, AMOA quickly established itself as a major force within the trade.
More than 70 years later, these same traits are tapped daily to offer an ever-expanding array of programs and services to members and the entire industry.
How to Participate
Being a part of the Bowl-A-Thon is simple! Just select a coordinator to organize your company’s
involvement in the event by acting as a liaison and by recruiting team captains, who in turn recruit 5-6
other bowlers. Each bowler is asked to raise a minimum of $100. A variety of prizes will be awarded for
additional monies raised. JA will provide support and materials to help you with your fundraising.
Day of the Event
Junior Achievement makes it easy for you to be involved! Not only do we schedule the event with the
bowling center, we staff your Bowl-A-Thon! Count on us to handle the registration, distribute prizes
and make sure everyone has fun. Plus, before the event we can help offer “best practices” and hold
Team Captain Meetings to motivate your employees. Each coordinator will also be equipped with easy-
to-use Bowl-a-thon tips.